Articles on: Form Customization

How to create a scored quiz

This is a technical guide intended for those who want to create scoring forms in Yay! Forms, with the goal of redirecting users to different pages or websites depending on the most chosen answers.

Step 1: Create the Variables

First, access the Variables section in Yay! Forms and create a variable for each option you want to score, as shown in the image below:

Step 2: Configure Points in the Questions

For each question in the form:

Within the logic section of your question, select the corresponding variable and add 1 point if the answer matches the desired variable (e.g., for option A, add 1 to the variable option_1). You can assign more points if you want different weights. Repeat this process for all answer choices in the question, as shown in the example below:

Step 3: Configure the Redirect Logic in the Last Question

In the last question of the form, add logic to determine the next step based on the variable with the highest value using the Has the highest value operator, as shown in the image below:

Updated on: 25/02/2025

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