Articles on: Troubleshooting

How to Solve Problems Receiving Data by Facebook Pixel

Step 1: View Application Logs

The first step is to check your application's logs to identify the issue and apply the appropriate solution based on the identified cause. You can access detailed instructions on how to view the logs at the following link:

How to view your integration logs

Problem 1: Custom Event Not Created Correctly

Why does this happen?

If the custom event is not created correctly, it may not be recognized by Facebook and may not appear in your campaign.

How to fix it?

Access the Facebook Event Manager.

Check if the Yay! Forms custom event is correctly listed.

If it is not listed, create a new custom event with the correct condition based on the form URL or the captured data.

Ensure that the event has been saved and is being recorded in the Event Manager.

Problem 2: Form Subdomain Not Verified and Authorized on Meta

Why does this happen?

If the form subdomain is not verified, Facebook may block event tracking, preventing them from being used in campaigns.

How to fix it?

Access the Facebook Business Manager.

In the side menu, click on Brand Safety > Domains.

Add the form subdomain used in Yay! Forms.

Choose the verification method via MetaTag:

Copy the MetaTag generated by Facebook.

Paste this MetaTag into Yay! Forms and save the changes.

Return to Facebook and click the Verify Domain button.

Facebook will access Yay! Forms to confirm the MetaTag and complete the verification.

Note: MetaTag verification is immediate, with no need for DNS propagation.

Problem 3: Assets Not Shared with the Ad Account

Why does this happen?

If the assets (custom events and subdomains) are not properly shared with the ad account, the events may not be used in campaigns.

How to fix it?

In Facebook Business Manager, go to Business Settings.

Navigate to Data Sources > Pixels.

Select the Pixel used in Yay! Forms and share it with the correct ad account.

Repeat the process for custom events and subdomains.

Problem 4: Test Event Enabled in Yay! Forms Configuration

Why does this happen?

If the test event is enabled in Yay! Forms, events may not be sent correctly to Meta and will not appear in the campaign.

How to fix it?

In the Yay! Forms integration screen, check if the Meta/Facebook Pixel Test Event Code is incorrectly filled in.

Ensure that the Event Condition is correctly set to customize tracking.

In Facebook, create a rule of type URL contains for general tracking.

If you want to track a specific form, use URL contains

Disable any test event configuration in Yay! Forms and save the changes.

Quick Diagnostic Checklist

Was the custom event created correctly?

Is the form subdomain verified?

Are the assets shared with the ad account?

Is the test event disabled in Yay! Forms?

If all the steps above are followed correctly, the issue should be resolved. If it persists, check Facebook's official documentation or contact the platform's support team.

Updated on: 18/02/2025

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